Restorative Manual Therapy

Every client receives an assessment based, goal oriented, personalized Restorative Manual Therapy session designed to help them feel and perform better. We have over 10,000 hours of experience treating pain and issues related to sports injuries, repetitive work habits, auto accidents and debilitating orthopedic conditions. Using skill and creativity our therapists will utilize various techniques such as deep tissue massage, cranio-sacral therapy, visceral manipulation, neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release, gentle joint mobilizations and lymphatic drainage to assist your bodies ability to heal.

Schedule Online402-979-7131

Restorative Manual Therapy

Every client receives an assessment based, goal oriented, personalized Restorative Manual Therapy session designed to help them feel and perform better. We have over 10,000 hours of experience treating pain and issues related to sports injuries, repetitive work habits, auto accidents and debilitating orthopedic conditions. Using skill and creativity our therapists will utilize various techniques such as deep tissue massage, cranio-sacral therapy, visceral manipulation, neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release, gentle joint mobilizations and lymphatic drainage to assist your bodies ability to heal.
Schedule Online402-979-7131

“The Fulcrum Approach”



At Fulcrum Bodywork, we approach each Restorative Manual Therapy treatment from a holistic perspective based on the belief that, given the right suggestions, your body and it’s compromised, painful tissues will return to a natural state of balance and heal themselves. Years of experience has also taught us that where you are feeling pain is not always the cause of pain. For example, lower back pain is often a result of an imbalance in the muscle groups in the pelvis, legs and feet. So, in order to successfully treat back pain we not only need to treat the muscle spasms in the back, but also the supporting structures in the entire pelvis and lower part of the body. We forego the notion to only treat your symptoms and design your treatment plan to target the underlying cause of your painful condition.

“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” – Hippocrates

We can help you with the following conditions!

Lower back pain

Statistics show that nearly 80% of adults suffer from at least one episode of back pain in their lives. Following extensive research, Former Senior Scientific Investigator of the Group Health Research Institute, Daniel Cherkin, MS, PhD concluded, “Therapeutic bodywork was effective for persistent low back pain, apparently providing long-lasting benefits. Bodywork might be an effective complementary modality to conventional medical care for persistent back pain.”

Neck Pain

Staring at computer screen for hours at time, carrying children on your hip and whiplash injuries are a few of contributors to the common ailment of neck pain. Researchers at the National Institute of health have concluded that therapeutic bodywork is safe and has benefits for treating chronic neck pain.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition that causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm. The condition occurs when one of the major nerves to the hand — the median nerve — is squeezed or compressed as it travels through the wrist. Many clients have had success using therapeutic bodywork for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and are often able to rid themselves of the condition altogether.  Therapeutic bodywork  helps relieve CTS symptoms by breaking down scar tissue and adhesion in the muscles and connective tissue of the wrist and forearm and upper back caused by trauma or overuse. 

Frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder is a disabling condition characterized by pain, inflammation, stiffness and limited range of motion in the shoulder joint. The first symptoms are pain and an inability to perform daily tasks such as reaching or lifting. Shoulder function may be restricted for months or years, depending on the severity and course of treatment sought. Triggered by minor injury or improper movement (such as reaching backward from an abnormal position), the onset of frozen shoulder is gradual. Therapeutic bodywork is often recommended as primary treatment for frozen shoulder – to improve function of the joint, reduce pain and facilitate increased range of motion. 

Foot, knee pain & hip pain

Many Crossfitters, weekend warriors, runners and other athletes have experienced pain in these regions that are so critical to peak performance. We have found that by using therapeutic bodywork and manual therapy techniques to improve the structural and functional relationships of the foot, knee and hip many of our clients are able to get back into pain free action.  

Plantar fasciitis

Modern foot wear and monotonous ground surfaces giving rise to tight lower leg muscles are a few common factors related to this painful condition that afflicts the tissue of the bottom of the foot. We have found that by using therapeutic bodywork and manual therapy techniques to improve the structural and functional relationships of the foot, knee and hip we can be effective in treating this nagging condition. 


Tendonitis is a common condition where varying degrees of irritation take hold in the tissues where a muscle meets bone. Overuse from repetitive movements and postural imbalances that put undue pressure on this junction of muscle and bone are often at the root of this condition. Using therapeutic bodywork and corrective exercise to assist in flushing the painful tissues and reestablishing postural integrity can improve the underlying causes this debilitating issue.

Tennis and golfers’ elbows

In conjunction with rest, tennis and golfers elbow can be treated effectively using therapeutic bodywork that addresses the irritated tissues of the inner and outer elbow as well as the structures of the wrist and shoulder.

Whiplash injuries

Staring at computer screen for hours at time, carrying children on your hip and whiplash injuries are a few of contributors to the common ailment of neck pain. Researchers at the National Institute of health have concluded that therapeutic bodywork is safe and has benefits for treating chronic neck pain.

Post-surgical pain

Scar tissue pain & restrictions

How do we approach the first treatment?

Our therapists will begin by talking with you about your health history, lifestyle habits and your treatment goals. This is followed by an assessment to help guide us in designing your Restorative Manual Therapy treatment. We will then explain our assessment and talk to you about your personalized treatment plan and how we will be working with you to achieve your goals.  You will remain clothed for your session so please wear something that is comfortable and easy to move in like cotton sweat pants and a cotton t-shirt. Before closing the session we will provide you with appropriate self-care strategies to encourage your involvement in reaching your goals.
